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Lotta Teale

Lotta paints figurative oil paintings, a combination of still life and plein air, and is inspired by early 20th Century painters such as William Nicholson and the Scottish Colourists. 

For the last few years Lotta has lived between Islamabad, Tuscany and London, and she recently moved to Bangkok. She started painting professionally in 2018, having trained as a barrister and worked for 14 years in law and development, living for many years in Sierra Leone and Pakistan. 

Lotta’s work has been selected for a number of prestigious exhibitions including NEAC (@newenglishart ), RWA (@rwabristol), ROI (@royalinstituteofoilpainters )RSMA (@royalsocietymarine), SWA (@swainfo ) and CAS (@chelseaartsociety ).


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