Gordon Dalton is an artist based in Saltburn by the Sea. He is currently a PhD Doctoral Researcher at Loughborough University researching the East Cleveland coast. He is a Board Member of Contemporary British Painting.
His work has been shown locally, nationally and internationally including the Royal Academy, London; Contemporary British Painting Prize; Beep International Painting Prize, Swansea; Newlyn Art Gallery, Penzance; Del Infinito Art Gallery, Buenos Aires; National Eisteddfod of Wales, Abergavenny; Bank Art, Los Angeles; Galerie Skuc, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York; Moravian Museum, Brno, Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius.
Key solo shows include Bay Art Gallery, Cardiff; Gallagher & Turner, Newcastle; Aleph Contemporary, London; Auxiliary, Middlesbrough
"My painting practice and current Doctoral Research is based on memories of places I have lived or longingly imagined, with a focus on the landscape and heritage of coastal communities of East Cleveland. This examines the extent artists can meaningfully inform an understanding of a place, with a focus on Solastalgia - the homesickness we feel while still at home. It’s the pain and longing we feel as we realize the world immediately around us is changing, with our love for that world serving as a catalyst for action on its behalf.
My paintings convey an idea and essence of a place and the melancholy of longing and wanting to belong. An unfashionable romanticism grounded in the act of painting."